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過往公告與斷網紀錄 Past network incident posts’ log
嗨!您好~ 我是土木所的大威,是 112 學期(2023年9月)上任的研一男網路管理員,我建置了這個頁面希望能幫助您解決相關宿舍網路問題。同學們可以先請參考下列資訊,試著自行排除問題。若仍舊無法上網的話,可透過🛠 報修表單 Network Repair Form 回報問題。感謝!
Hi there, I am Dawei from the Department of Civil Engineering. I am the network manager for the Men Graduate Dormitory 1. I have set up this page for tutorial of dorm network-related problems. You can check the information below and try to solve the issues by yourself first. If you still cannot connect to the internet, you can report the problem through the link of Repair Form. Thank you!
Network Configuration Setting Tutorial
2017 資工系江廷睿同學整理的 HackMD
2018/19 城中新生手冊
2014 研一男網路常見問題
2011 批踢踢女二精華區文章
男一網路是人走出來的 粉專貼文