🏄 7/1-8/31 暑期網路問題請洽當值網管
- 暑假期間的網路管理負責人為 梁日彰 同學,有任何問題請直接寫信給他! [email protected]
- During the summer break from 7/1 to 8/31, the on duty network manager is 梁日彰. If you have any questions, please email him via [email protected]
✈️ 6/8-6/25 網管放暑假出國參加研討會,實體檢修請於之後預約
- The network manager is currently abroad attending a conference and will not be in Taiwan from 6/8 to 6/25. Please wait until 6/26 to schedule any repair appointments.
📢 5/7 網路設備架構調整公告 Network Equipment Adjustment Notice
- 計中預訂於 2024/5/7(二)18:00-18:30 調整網路設備架構。調整期間本校對外網路連線有瞬斷之情形。如有不便之處,尚祈見諒!
- Due to network infrastructure adjustments by the Computer and Information Network Center, the internet connection will experience brief interruptions during 18:00 to 18:30 on May 7, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
📢 3/19 因宿舍網路伺服器主機更新工程,屆時將無法使用網路
The internet connection will be unavailable on 3/19 due to the network server upgrade maintenance.
- 點我看學校公告:計中將於 3/19(二)9:30-12:00 進行校園及宿舍網路管理系統伺服器主機更新。施工期間宿舍網路將不定期中斷,且網路註冊功能將暫停使用,影響範圍為學生宿舍區。校園網路管理系統在施工期間將暫停服務,但總體網路服務不受影響。如施工提前完成,將盡快恢復服務。造成不便之處,敬請見諒!
- The Computer Center will conduct server upgrade maintenance for the campus network management system on 3/19 from 9:30 to 12:00. During the construction period, the dormitory network will experience intermittent interruptions, and the network registration function will be temporarily suspended, but overall internet services will not be affected. If the construction is completed ahead of schedule, services will be restored promptly. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Click to see the official announcement.
🥶 1/25-26 宿舍斷網問題,1/31 已完成事件調查
- 經調查是 1/25 傍晚有舍胞不正常使用網路(亂發 IP)造成 IP 逆流網路不穩定進而斷網,1/26 已經有先封鎖特定網孔。1/31 經查證為 543 寢室的舍胞自行嘗試架設網路交換器(switch)造成此次斷網事件,學校已做相關處置。
- The issue with the dormitory network on January 25th and 26th was investigated, and it was found that on the evening of January 25th, some dormitory residents were using the network abnormally (randomly assigning IP addresses), causing IP backflow and network instability, leading to the network outage. On January 26th, specific network ports were blocked. On January 31st, it was confirmed that a dormitory resident attempted to set up a network switch, causing the network outage. The school has taken relevant measures to address the situation.
🧐 12/2 學校 DNS 伺服器異常,12/8 計中已完成搶修
- There have been intermittent network disruptions since the NTU’s DNS server breakdown, and finished the repairmen on 12/8.
- 【校園公告】水源校區網路斷線間接影響學校網路系統不穩,計中正在搶修中…
The network outage at the Shui-Yuan Campus is affecting the part of the stability in school's network system. The Computer Center is currently working on repairing it.